We learnt how to draw a picture of 4 emotions that make them pukuriri, hari koa, pōuri me te mokemoke. While drawing each picture a music was playing during that particular emotion. Once finished, they spoke about each emotion.
We learnt how to draw a picture of 4 emotions that make them pukuriri, hari koa, pōuri me te mokemoke. While drawing each picture a music was playing during that particular emotion. Once finished, they spoke about each emotion.
In support and to recognise the learning support staff in all schools, we wore purple.
Thank you support staff who supportsour tamariki and the kaiako in Te Moana Nui a Kiwa
The tamariki in Rūma 15 used the camera app on their i-papa to take a photo and then learned how to crop their image.
I am so proud of our tamariki for learning new skills on their i-papa.
Today with Mrs Raj I learnt how to create a QR Code for my class blog. The QR Code provides a blog link to help the whānau to comment on the mahi our tamariki do in Rūma 15.
I te wehenga atu te kaiako i āna tamariki ki te koroneihana, kia pēnei nā a rātou mahi.
Kia whai koha aku tamariki ki wā rātou kaihaumaru me wā rātou tūākana hei tiaki i te rā nei.
Anō nei, te hari koa o rātou i a rātou wā tākaro kēmū hoki o te pōro karo. Anei ra:
Our tamariki learned how to use the camera app to take good photos of objects around the classroom.
They learned to:
Our tamariki learned a new game called Hunger Ball
They learned how to follow instructions
They learned new skills – kicking the ball
– how to defend their goal area
– how to score points by kicking the ball into their opponents goal area
They learned how to work with a partner
They thoroughly enjoyed their time and understood their time was over when they had lost.
They showed good sportsmanship and manaakitanga.
Welcome to your brand new blog – a space to share your learning journey.
To get started, simply visit your blog’s dashboard, edit or delete this post and check out all the other options available to you.
We can walk you through step-by-step in our guide to getting started with your blog.
You can see what other learners are sharing on their blogs here.
Happy blogging!